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HAPEX Environmental PAH sample preparation

HAPEX Environmental PAH sample preparation

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are contaminants that can be found in soil after an incomplete combustion of organic materials, such as forest fires. Once these are in soil, they can be carried into surface or ground water and thus pollute crops via root adsorption. The quantification of these is a crucial component to protect our environment and human health. To accomplish this goal, an automated process was designed. HAPEX combines an embedded centrifuge and 3 vortex mixers with a PAL RTC system, to greatly reduce the time needed to go through the soil sample preparation.

Technical Specifications

HAPEX Environmental PAH sample preparation

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About the manufacturer

Ingenio breaks the mold by offering analytical instrumentation and services for laboratories. Naturally, this offers us the chance to have a privileged relationship with our clients in order to fulfill their needs, whatever they may be.